Fiction, Poetry

New Death

Outside of Time, two black holes make sounds as they cross each other—the brighter one devours the other, and while topological strings form cosmic Mexican hats—space is ripped-up like coarse metallic paper fabric—in something so brutishly primordial that it could only be Technology.

The “Xe” civilization, a derivative formal system, figured out how to use light resources in ways unknown to Man to collapse Man’s rabble, brutish kingdom of stardust into a single point. It was not due to malice but only because they could. As humans know, anything you can do, you must do.

When stars die, they become black holes. Man and his universe are born from inside the Dead Star-Black Hole civilization (civ), arriving as computation and information inside its boundary. The collapse of particular existing universes uniformly amplifies signals for Human Algorithms. These conscious beings contain patterns in their stories; they are supposed to learn from them.

The Xe civilization extracts linguistic features of older civs of Human Algorithms at a space-time just before what they called The Singularity, forming The Outer Rim, a larger hole in space-time with even more computational capacity than the previously conscious Dead Star. The Outer Rim will run, collapse, and enlarge a countably infinite number of times to extract data on Human Stories, stories which today are called Human Algorithms.

Having had eaten the dead star of a civilization of old, and taken from them mutated super-dense vestiges of language from Human Algorithms—the Xe call the recently digested “people of the word”—in a transcended form they prevail on the surface of this brighter, newly satiated, now too dying star.

Light wreaths of jade vine & purple anemones form The Outer Rim’s universe outside its prior one, consisting of space-like resources for Human Stories inside The Demarcation: a light-like location where the two temporal boundaries crossed—ten thousand years ago, ten thousand years to come—and where they were always in matters of fact to be found.

All at once and without a body, this force consciously devours. Like Thetis, pregnant again, awaiting her strongest son—one by one, she offers her children to the fire—awaiting the unborn Achilles, secretly promised by the Gods to be fitter than the others—an act of perversity Superstitious Man has in common with all of Fellow Men. Human Destiny demands this kind of pathology, however infrequently.

That feature of Man’s existence enabled the annihilation of them. That flaw ended them all.

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